This year our church had a live nativity comprised of different scenes from the Christmas story. You walked through in a small group with a narrator with the last stop being the stable with Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus- aka Jonathan. I warned the coordinator of the "cast" of the risks involving Jonathan but they thought he would be perfect. Of course a cold front came through the day before and so he was so bundled up you could barely tell he was a real baby. We practiced looking heavenly all week and tried to adjust his schedule so the two hour event would fall during a happy time and not a fussy one. All in all Jonathan was a trooper. He slept for part of the time but there was a donkey near by who was extremely loud and would wake Jonathan up every time. I decided that surely Jesus cried and so when Jonathan was crying, it was a much more accurate portrayal and made it look more realistic. I came to the rescue a few times while they pulled out the fake baby as the stand in. Jonathan (and his nervous mommy) survived and slept very well that night!
Getting him back to sleep after the donkey woke him up.
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