
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Six Months Of Parker

Parker turned six months old yesterday. We continue to feel so blessed to have been chosen to be the parents of such an amazing gift. He brings us such joy on a daily basis. He is constantly growing and changing.

Some things about Parker:
  • He is still measuring tall and skinny- 95% in height and 25% in weight
  • He is a great sleeper and prefers to sleep on his stomach with his behind in the air
  • He enjoys playing with his feet and sucking on his hands
  • Some of his favorite toys are his caterpillar, elephant, and Clifford
  • He is rolling all over the floor and enjoys batting at the toys that hang above him on his play mat
  • He is experimenting daily with his voice and is making some pretty sweet sounds
  • He likes bath time and splashes water everywhere as he kicks
  • He almost always gets the hiccups when he laughs too hard
  • He is becoming more and more alert to the things around him and is grabbing for more and more objects
  • Mark and the dogs still continue to get some of his biggest smiles
  • He naps in the morning for about an hour and takes a longer nap in the afternoons
  • He has started cereal but is still not quite sure what he thinks about it
  • Some of our favorite times with him are when he first wakes up and we put him in bed between us. He talks, smiles, and coos, and often falls back to sleep snuggled up next to us
  • He continues to be our calm, content, handsome, and happy little man


Charla and I were excited for summer to begin so we could start taking the kids for a swim. Parker enjoys the water and usually just hangs out in his floaty while I push him around. We have had a lot of fun being in the pool and it usually is followed by a long nap which is always nice!

Don't you love Lilah's hat?

Trip To the Park

Several weeks ago we had a last minute cook out with friends at the park. We tried Parker in the swing for the first time. He was pretty laid back as usual and just chilled. Of course he had his friend Lilah along to share it with.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Our adoption agency holds a reunion for families who have adopted every June. Mark and I took a quick road trip to Waco and back for the day. It was great to see our case workers again and to hear from other families about their journey in adopting a baby. Of course we also enjoyed showing Parker off!

Our case worker Jackie

Our case worker Laura

It was at a children's museum in Waco which had so many things for the kids to play with. Obviously Parker was a little too young to really enjoy the surroundings but we still managed to get him to pose for some pictures.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Daddy Best

When Mark was growing up his dad would always remind (aka brainwash) him and his sisters to say they loved "Daddy best". This has continued with Mark and Parker. At this point I would say it is a pretty accurate statement. Parker adores Mark and loves to stare and smile. At times it is tricky to feed him around Mark because he just wants to stare at his daddy. I am not real clear what the fascination is about but I do love to watch the bond forming between my two favorite boys. Mark is a wonderful father. I am so thankful for his role in Parker's life. Happy Father's Day Mark!

Parker also enjoys time with Grandad.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A New Friend

The past couple of weeks Parker has really taken an interest in our dogs. He gets so excited when they are close by. The dogs might even get a bigger smile out of Parker than his daddy! Although the dogs have not returned this same affection, I am sure that will change once Parker begins leaving food on the floor for them to enjoy!

He loves to watch Sam.

There's a New Girl in Town

My sweet friend Halie from college just had a baby girl a few weeks ago. Her name is Cambry Brooke. She also is a great reminder of God's faithfulness. Halie and I are both a testimony of how God can take the same longing and desire to become a mother and answer that prayer in totally different ways. He has taken us on two different journeys over the past year yet the outcome has been the same: we are now experiencing the joys of motherhood. We are so thankful you are here Cambry!

I am Parker, Hear Me Roar!!

This is a fun outfit Mom and I found on clearance at Gymboree before Parker was born. We have had so much fun buying clothes for the little man- who says you don't have fun when shopping for a boy? Thanks mom/Aiyah for all your contributions to Parker's wardrobe!