
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Morning

Santa Claus made a visit to our house for the first time. Although the boys had no idea what was going on, it was still fun getting to start this tradition. Each boy got a toy, a Christmas book, and treats in their stocking. My parents came over in time to see the boys open their stockings and snap more pictures. I think they had as much fun as I have had celebrating our first Christmas. Afterward we bundled up the kids for a quick picture in the snow. It snowed a lot on Christmas Eve but it was blowing so hard I didn't want to get the boys out in it. Thankfully there was plenty left over in the morning. Parker was not a fan of the cold but Jonathan just chilled so we could take some pictures. I still can't believe we had a white Christmas for their first Christmas! Once we got them inside and warmed up both boys went down for a nap so the adults could enjoy brunch. It was a great start to Christmas Day.

Parker and his alphabet train.

We got Jonathan a piano that lights up and plays music when he kicks it.

Parker got some smaller balls in his stocking to play with but he was very excited about his Puffs as well.

Jonathan got several rattles and toys to chew on in his stocking.

Parker is not sure what to think.

Now he has decided he is not a fan of the cold.

Jonathan's "baby Jesus" costume came in handy for the snow!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve

We had a pretty busy start to celebrating our first Christmas with the boys. We went to my sister's house in Newark to have lunch and presents with my grandfather, aunt & uncle, cousin and her family. I was curious to see how Parker would respond to opening presents assuming he would be interested in the wrapping paper instead of the present. Turns out he is NOT a fan of tearing paper but prefers to see the present once it has been opened. I'm sure he will become a fan of tearing the paper in the years to come!

Parker trying his first Christmas cookie.

My aunt spoiled the boys with books and a toy for each.

Parker playing with my cousin Charlyn and her son Branson.

It was starting to snow as we were driving out to my sister's house but after eating and opening gifts we looked out the window and couldn't believe how much had fallen in such a short time. We immediately packed up and headed toward home before we had to be at church. Little did we know it would take us over an hour to get back to the area so we had to head straight to church instead. Thankfully the girls, Melissa and Carrie, were on hand to help unload the boys in the snow and feed them. Poor Jonathan was starving by the time we got there. I couldn't resist getting a picture of the girls feeding the boys as we waited for the service to start.
After the Christmas Eve service we headed to my parents for a snack supper and presents with my immediate family.
Brooke and Grandad

Mom and Dad checking out our gift to them

Jonathan looking at the light up star my sister gave him

My sister couldn't wait to give Parker a ride along toy for Christmas. They gave Collin one at this age and he loved it. It was a hit with Parker. His favorite part is the propeller on the front.

Jonathan was pooped by the end of the day and ready for bed!

Gingerbread Boys

One of my new favorite things about Christmas and having two babies is the fun of having Christmas p.j.s! My sister had saved a few things my nephew Collin wore as a baby. One was a pair of gingerbread pajamas. While out shopping one day I found a pair for Jonathan that was similar so I couldn't resist getting a few pics.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

One Year of Parker

Trip (or trips) to see Santa

Mom and I took the boys up to the mall the beginning of December to get their picture made with Santa. Parker was a little unsure at first but never cried and sat patiently as we snapped pictures. Jonathan was happy to be held and didn't drool too much on Santa! The week of Christmas we were in the Bass Pro Shops with Brooke and Collin. Pictures with Santa were free and the line was short so we decided on round two! This time Parker cried a little but we still got a good picture.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

And the role of Baby Jesus will be played by...

This year our church had a live nativity comprised of different scenes from the Christmas story. You walked through in a small group with a narrator with the last stop being the stable with Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus- aka Jonathan. I warned the coordinator of the "cast" of the risks involving Jonathan but they thought he would be perfect. Of course a cold front came through the day before and so he was so bundled up you could barely tell he was a real baby. We practiced looking heavenly all week and tried to adjust his schedule so the two hour event would fall during a happy time and not a fussy one. All in all Jonathan was a trooper. He slept for part of the time but there was a donkey near by who was extremely loud and would wake Jonathan up every time. I decided that surely Jesus cried and so when Jonathan was crying, it was a much more accurate portrayal and made it look more realistic. I came to the rescue a few times while they pulled out the fake baby as the stand in. Jonathan (and his nervous mommy) survived and slept very well that night!

Getting him back to sleep after the donkey woke him up.

Parker hung out with Melissa & Carrie for the evening so I would be free to help out with Jonathan while Mark was counseling. They had a scene set up where kids could dress in biblical costumes and take photos. The costumes did not come in baby sizes!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Three Months of Jonathan

We were glad to make it to the three month mark with Jonathan because we were told he would be a totally different baby and most reflux and colic issues would disappear. Well I would say that is an accurate statement. Jonathan is much happier these days and full of smiles. He is content while awake and only really gets fussy when he is tired. We are so thankful he is better and are feeling like we can enjoy our surprise blessing.

A few things about Jonathan:
  • At his most recent appointment he weighed 13.5 lbs (75%) and was 24.5 inches (95%)
  • Survived his first double ear infection
  • Not quite sleeping through the night but makes it anywhere from 5-6:30 am. We are getting close
  • He is starting to enjoy the swing and laying on the play mat which was hard for him because of his reflux
  • Loves to smile at Clifford on his change table while we are dressing him- just like Parker
  • Loves his hands and constantly puts them in his mouth which produces lots of drool
  • He takes 3 naps a day. Two are usually 1 1/2- 2 hours with a shorter one in the early evening. He is settled in a routine which we are thankful for!
  • For those who know my dad, we are told he looks just like him. If not then they say he most resembles his mom. We often refer to him as "Little Grandad"

Eleven Months of Parker

Parker turned eleven months on Thanksgiving day and by the time I am writing this he is well on his way to being a year old! It is still hard to believe this time last year we were anticipating and preparing for his arrival. Now we have already enjoyed eleven months of our little man.

Here are a few things he is up to these days:
  • Talking more and making more sounds. His main "word" is "da-da". Mark likes to think he is talking about him every time but he says it to everything! He has also started saying "ba-ba" We are working on "ma-ma"
  • He is pulling up and cruising and is very curious about everything around him
  • He mimics a lot of what we do like shaking his head, clapping his hands etc.
  • He shows affection by leaning his head in and bumping your forehead to his forehead
  • Starting to like table food a lot more than in the beginning- carbs being his favorite
  • LOVES Jonathan and head bumps him, beats on his face, steps on him and all the other things older brothers do
  • "Helps" around the house by standing up at the dishwasher door rolling the bottom rack back and forth and taking out utensils. He also stands at the washing machine as I load in the clothes and then watches it spin once it starts up
  • He is so happy and makes us laugh on a daily basis

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

We watched the parade.
We ate.
We watched the Cowboys.
We napped.
We ate some more.
We watched the Aggies.
We read Thanksgiving books.
Most of all we loved spending time with our boys celebrating our first Thanksgiving.