
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trip To The Zoo

Mark took a day off recently to spend time with me and the boys before leaving town. We decided to take the boys on their first trip to the zoo. We packed up lunches for everyone and of course plenty of sunscreen, hats, and insect repellent for Jonathan, who unfortunately takes after me in the "person who mosquitoes love to bite" and "fair skin that burns easy in the sun" categories. Thankfully it was not near as hot as the weather had predicted and there was a consistent breeze. It also was not crowded at all so we didn't have to work around the people to see the animals. We got a zoo pass for me and guest so we can come and go throughout the year without feeling the pressure to stay all day and see everything in one trip. I was curious to see the boys reactions to the animals. I figured Jonathan would just love going along for the ride and smiling at all the people he encountered and Parker might watch a few animals that were big enough or moved around enough.

The monkeys were hard to spot because they weren't moving around a lot but we did come across this gorilla sitting right by the window. There is no telling what he thought of Jonathan!

Parker loved watching the waterfalls.

We saw the white tiger up close pacing by the window. Toward the end it got pretty agitated which Parker was not so sure about so we quickly moved on.

We got to check out the new exhibit, Museum Of Living Art, which was very impressive more so for Mark and I. They had these tortoises walking around in the yard where you enter.

Parker enjoyed walking all around inside. He spotted this colorful bird but then got a little nervous when he thought it was going to chase him (not realizing it was behind glass).

Needless to say, Jonathan fell asleep in the stroller on the way out and Parker didn't last long in the car ride home. It was a fun day and I am anxious to go back and see what the boys become interested in with each visit.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Playdate with Lilah

Parker and Jonathan's friend Lilah invited them over to play with her new inflatable pool toy. The boys spent the majority of time chewing on the pool toys as they were both working on cutting some teeth. Toward the end Parker discovered he loved to slide down the slide. It was a fun morning spent with sweet Lilah.

Fun With Daddy's Hat

Gettin' Spiritual

A couple of weeks ago I got a call from our Children's Minister requesting Jonathan to play the role of baby Moses for a fourth grade Sunday School lesson. Even though this was a step down from playing the role of baby Jesus in December, I figured this would go smoothly because he would not be outside in freezing weather with a live obnoxious donkey nearby waking him up multiple times. Her daughter, Melissa, who also happens to be one of Jonathan's favorite people, played Miriam. Jonathan did great and was very happy, cooperative, and relished the chance to make new friends!

We laughed at the fact this was probably not the most accurate representation of baby Moses considering Jonathan's fair skin and blue eyes!

In the meantime Parker has been preparing for Palm Sunday. Yes I know it is early but one can never be too prepared right? He found a leaf from one of our artificial plants the other day and proceeded to walk around waving it in the air while saying "Yay" (one of his new favorite words these days). We found this to be the perfect reenactment of Palm Sunday. I had a hard time getting a good picture with my flash delay and Parker walking so fast, but hopefully you can get the idea.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Perfect Evening...With Some Lessons Learned

A few weeks ago we decided to grill hamburgers and have a picnic outside in the backyard with the boys. This sounded like a perfect way to start the summer. We got everything prepared and sat down ready to eat when the attack of the flies descended upon us. At first it was just a couple and then they seemed to multiple at record speed. It made me think of my mother in law and the stories she has shared of the hundreds of flies she has killed within an evening. The boys weren't too bothered but we eventually brought them in along with the food to finish eating.

Lesson #1: Buy one of those candles you put outside to keep the flies & mosquitoes away.

After we ate we decided to let the boys play in an inflatable pool/toy for the first time. I bought this last summer for Parker but he was still a little young and not sitting very well on his own. So I figured this summer would be the perfect time. I got the boys all ready in their swimsuits while Mark filled it up. The pool got mixed reviews from Parker and Jonathan. Jonathan thought it was great but Parker was not so sure about the experience. I hope he will warm up to it in the future and come to enjoy it, which tends to fit his personality.

Both boys were a little unsure about what to do and just sat and stared at us. I found a couple of toys that squirt water we used last summer when Parker and I went swimming but for most part, they both sat and looked at us wondering what was going on.

Lesson #2: Put some toys for them to play with in the pool.

It did not take long before Sam, our water dog, decided to join in on the fun.

Lesson #3: Leave Sam in the house when we fill up the pool.

We quickly realized it was a little late in the evening to try this because with the breeze and the pool in the shade, the boys got cold. So we took them out and ended up giving them a bath with some warmer water which Parker preferred much more.

Lesson #4: Try the pool earlier in the day when it is warmer so the water is not so cold.

All in all it was a nice evening spent together and made me excited for the summer and all the new adventures they will experience along with many more lessons to be learned!

Parker's Favorite Animal

We discovered Parker's love of ducks a couple of months ago by chance at a park while going on a walk. He couldn't take his eyes off of them and kept pointing and saying (in his own way) "duck". Well the love/obsession continues on. We have several lakes within in our housing development and I took the boys on a walk to new one we had never been to before. Well needless to say I was not expecting to encounter so many ducks and we have since made multiple trips back as this has become one of Parker's favorite outings. The longer we walked, the more ducks we discovered. There were a grouping of white ducks (I'm sure there is an official name) which were quite aggressive and wanting food. We found a goose and gander along with 7 goslings. There is also another family of duck with eight babies along with many other types. Parker was in heaven!! To top it off there was a small play area specifically for toddlers complete with a couple of swings which made Jonathan very happy as well!

The family of geese

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wrestlin' Around

As the boys are getting older, they are beginning to interact with each other more and more. This has been great for me because it keeps them entertained. The other day they started rolling around on the floor, poking each other etc. I loved watching them do this because it produced lots from belly laughing from each boy. However, I know this is just the beginning of life with two boys and there will come a day when there won't be laughter but tears over someone getting hurt or the feelings of frustration over them knocking something over. So for now I am trying to treasure these moments.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Nine Months of Jonathan

It is still a little crazy to think back this time a year ago I was just realizing I was pregnant and now Jonathan is already nine months old. If there is one word to describe Jonathan these days it would be HAPPY. Everywhere we go people always comment on how happy he is. It is always ironic to hear because as an infant it was such a daily struggle to get him happy and then keep him content for longer than five minutes. However, things have changed and he is full of smiles and loves life from his surroundings to the people he encounters.

A few things to know about Jonathan:
  • At his nine month well check appointment this week Jonathan was in the 75th percentile in height and weight. He weighs 22 lbs which is pretty much the same as Parker if not a little more. On a side note, this was the first time we went from one well check appointment to the next without having to see the doctor in between for some sort of sickness. This made the doctor very HAPPY to see him doing so well.
  • He is constantly on the move usually crawling after Parker to see what he is up to He is so much HAPPIER now that he is mobile and can get to where the people and the action is taking place. He gets so excited about moving from room to room he usually laughs while he is crawling.
  • He has seven teeth - 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom and is always HAPPY to show them off to anyone who gives him attention.
  • We have started table food with him. So far he has liked everything we have offered him. The only problem is, he grabs his food with both hands in a fist and puts it up to his mouth so some ends up in his mouth and a lot ends up on the floor which makes the dogs very HAPPY.
  • He is getting so much better about putting himself to sleep. He was quite spoiled as an infant because since he was so hard to get comfortable we would usually rock him until he was sound asleep before putting him down. Then when he was sick during most of the winter we continued with the same pattern. Now we still rock him for a little bit but then put him in his bed with his music on and more times than not he is able to put himself to sleep. This makes his mom VERY HAPPY when this happens. He takes 2 naps a day and is sleeping through the night.
  • Jonathan is HAPPIEST when: he is pulling up on an object or a person, he has something in his mouth to chew on, a person talks to him, Parker plays with him, his dad wrestles with him, he is riding in the front of the grocery cart, or when he is in the swing at the park.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Seventeen Months Of Parker

Parker turned 17 months old last week. It seems like he is growing, changing, and discovering new things daily, yet some things stay the same. Mark and I are humbled on a daily basis that we were chosen to parent this amazing child who brings so much joy and laughter in our home.

A few things about Parker:
  • He is walking constantly now. He will still drop down and crawl if he wants to get somewhere fast or if he thinks you ( or Jonathan) are playing chase with him
  • He is exploring things and becoming more independent each day but still loves to climb up in your lap and snuggle, read books, or be rocked before naps & bedtime.
  • He continues to imitate certain things like holding up objects to his ear and saying "hi" as if he is talking on the phone, holding his shirt up to his head or his shoes to his feet when I am dressing him. I will often sing to him while I rock him so if I haven't started singing yet he will make some of the sounds as if he is singing.
  • He enjoys music and will tap his foot or wave his hand like he is conducting to certain songs he hears.
  • He continues to be a good eater even though he is staying tall and skinny. Thankfully he will try most things we offer him. He has recently started to enjoy broccoli, PB&J sandwiches, and applesauce more than when he first tried table food.
  • He consistently knows the signs for "finished" and "more"
  • He is interacting more and more with "J". They laugh a lot at each other for no other reason than to laugh and keep each other pretty entertained.
  • His favorite things continue to be eating fruit, seeing the ducks by the lake, climbing stairs, and the theme song to the Cosby Show.
  • He continues to be happy but cautious to new experiences. It often takes time or several tries to warm up to something new. However once he figures something out or decides he likes it, there is no turning back.