
Monday, March 29, 2010


Just some random pics taken at bath time a few weeks ago.

Enjoying his book.

Decided it is better when you put it in your mouth.

Parker loves to stand on the side of the tub and watch the water fill up.

One of his favorite bath toys.

Smile Parker!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Parker's New Smile

Lately when I have my camera out and am trying to get Parker to smile for me, this is what he does. Such a silly boy!

On A Roll

Jonathan started rolling over both directions about a month and a half ago. The ironic thing in this whole situation is during the day he has had no problem rolling from his back to his belly and does not enjoy being on his stomach for long stretches of time. At night he rolls from his stomach to his back and can not roll himself back over to his belly, the only way he will sleep, which leads to lots of crying until one of us comes in and flips him back over. Why can't he remember that he is capable of rolling both ways in the middle of the night or that he does like being on his stomach in the middle of the day? His life would be so much easier (and his parents too for that matter!).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spence Family Reunion

In January Mark's parents came to town from overseas to meet Jonathan for the first time. His sister Heather and her husband Mike came in from Boston. His other sister Wendy, husband Scott, and their three kids Anna, Michael, and Katie ended up state side a few months early and were able to come as well. We celebrated Christmas, birthdays, and a baby dedication. We had lots of laughter, a little bit of chaos, and loads of fun being all together for the first time in a year and half. It is always a sweet time of crazy, fun fellowship.

We surprised Mark's mom (who turned 60 while she was here) with plans for a family picture. So here are some pics my sweet friend Arlene took. I thought they turned out pretty well for so many people, kids, and babies!

And of course we had to get a picture of Baby Baker on the way!

Here are some random pics taken through out the week:

Jonathan loved his Aunt Heather

Anna was a huge help in taking care of Parker

Playing with Papa's Beard


Little J. with his cousins

The Pittmans- Scott, Wendy, Anna, Michael, and Katie

Jonathan LOVED all the attention but it wore him out!


There are 6 members of the Spence family who have a birthday within about 2 weeks of each other. So we took an evening and celebrated. We went to the Yogurt Patch for a sweet treat, came home with pizza for dinner, opened presents, and finished the night with Beatles Rock Band.

Parker got a set of blocks, a refrigerator farm, and some books.

All crammed together for Rock Band.


We decided to wait and celebrate Christmas all together when everyone came to visit instead of mailing our gifts to each other. This gave me the perfect excuse to leave all our Christmas decorations up and then have the family help me take them all down!

We enjoyed spoiling Mike & Heather as they prepare for baby Baker

It was fun seeing the kids open their presents. We have never celebrated Christmas with them.

Parker liked the balls of wrapping paper!

I made Mark's parents a digital scrapbook of our eventful year.

The Fort Worth Stock Show

One of the days we decided to take a day and go to the stock show. I have not been since I was a little girl and we thought Anna, Michael, and Katie would enjoy it. We left Jonathan with my parents and took Parker. When we got there and started going in the barns we were surprised to find there were no animals. After walking in lots of empty barns we asked where we could find some animals and were told today was the day they clean all the barns and so they move all the animals out for the day, clean their stalls, and bring them all back the next day. Would have been nice to know when we paid for our ticket! Thankfully, since the kids had never been to a stock show they had no expectations. We saw the milking cow demonstration, got to sit on tractors, and even found a longhorn and a few horses around the back that had not been moved yet. At the end, we happened upon calf roping which made the whole day. I don't know who was more intrigued, the kids or Scott who has never seen a rodeo in his life. It was a fun day.
Where did the animals go?

The longhorn we finally found around the back of a building!

The kids loved climbing on the tractors!

Parker loved watching the horses run out of the chutes. He clapped his hands every time.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Parker's One Year Pictures

We actually took these two months ago but I am a little slow about posting them. Can't believe how fast our little man has grown!