- He is now a big brother to Jonathan. Parker is interested in him and stares at him, touches his head, and pulls up on Jonathan's bouncy and swing to get a better look.
- He has adjusted well to his new room and crib- not sure he even noticed he moved rooms!
- He has 6 teeth: 2 on the bottom and four on the top.
- He loves to eat vegetables but not a fan of fruit. We are getting better but it is still a battle.
- He is crawling all over the place, sitting up straight and tall, and can pull up to his knees. (Notice the gate in the background of his picture to help keep him contained to certain parts of the house.)
- He still loves to jump in his Jumparoo and pull and tug on the dogs.
- He takes two naps a day usually an hour and half to two hours.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Nine Months of Parker
Coming Home
Friday, September 25, 2009
A Big Boy Now
Pappy Pants & A Pappy Hat
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Rooms
Jonathan's Room
I used my old books and character from teaching school to decorate.
Parker's Room
Gettin things ready
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
God's Sovereignty in Joseph's Life and in My Life
This is the article that I wrote for my church's (North Richland Hills Baptist Church) magazine, "The Journey."
Although Joseph was Jacob's 11th son, it was clear that Jacob favored him. His brothers become jealous due to this favoritism as well as by two of Joseph’s dreams in which his brothers bow down to him. Murderous thoughts give way to capitalism, and his brothers decide to sell Joseph into slavery. Joseph is in turn sold to the captain of Pharaoh's guards, and God's presence in Joseph's life is revealed as he is promoted to be Potipher's right hand man. Joseph's character is revealed as Joseph spurns Potipher's wife's advances. Joseph is thrown into jail when Potipher's wife accuses him of seduction. The scripture speaks to God's presence and blessing as Joseph is promoted to top prisoner. Two of Pharaoh's officials are also thrown in jail, only to have dreams that Joseph interprets. Both interpretations come true and one official is restored to his position. When Pharaoh has a pair of dreams, the official remembers Joseph. Joseph reveals that God is sending a warning in which 7 years of abundance will be followed by 7 years of famine. Pharaoh sets Joseph in charge as the second in command of all Egypt to ensuring that enough abundance is saved to last through the famine. Later in the story, Joseph's brothers, driven to Egypt because of the famine, kneel before a brother they do not recognize in order to purchase grain.
Janet and I were married at NRHBC in 2001. After 5 years of marriage we decided to start our family. Our 6th anniversary came and went without a pregnancy. As our 7th anniversary approached we were emotionally worn out. Few ever expect to have trouble getting pregnant. We love Jesus and try to live every aspect of our life to his glory. God is sovereign, we could be pregnant if he wanted us to be...
After exploring our options and devoting them to prayer, we decided to adopt. Our paperwork was done quickly and by the end of June, 2008 we were approved by Generations Adoption Agency. A birthmom picked us and to our delight Parker was born December 26, 2008. To any who has met him, clearly God has blessed us.
But that is not the end of the story. At the beginning of June, we discovered that Janet was 6 months pregnant. Don't ask how we missed the signs, you don't want the details. Our second son, Jonathan, is due August 31.
God took Joseph through a tremendously difficult career path to deliver him to the position he had promised. God also led Janet and I through a very difficult time in our lives, our marriage and our spiritual life. However, God held off pregnancy because he wanted us to be Parker's parents.
If Joseph remained in Jacob's household, his brothers would never have bowed to him. If Janet and I were pregnant 2 years ago, we would not have adopted Parker. The time of infertility was difficult, but now we would have it no other way. God’s plan is always perfect.